Director Greeting

본문 시작
강원특별자치도 소방본부장 최민철 the director of the
Gangwon fire headquarters
min-cheol Choi

Thank you for visiting the safe and comfortable
Fire Headquarters!

Many tourists visit Gangwon State each year, as it is one of Korea’s only pristine regions with vibrant culture and bountiful nature. As the center of peace, prosperity, and northeast Asia’s economy and culture, Gangwon State Province hosted the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, the safest, most peaceful Olympic Games ever.
We, at Gangwon Fire Headquarters, with our experience from safely hosting the Pyeongchang Olympics, promise to focus all of our resources on fortifying safety infrastructure and preventing disasters.
We vow to always be by the side of our 1.56 million residents and all tourists who come to visit.
Gangwon Fire Headquarters will make Gangwon State a region that is safe enough for everybody to live in without worry.
Thank you.

the director of the Gangwon fire headquarters min-cheol Choi